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Introducing the FileMaker Opinion Page

Let's start with one principle: The reduced toolbox.

I’m woodworker myself, a cook, and a FileMaker developer since version 1, and there are some old, dull tools in my toolboxes. I have become better by removing these, investing time mastering the versatile tools that remain.

As an expert trainer, developer, and evangelist of the platform, I’ve seen firsthand how features have come and gone over that beautiful and long history. Our tools have evolved, and best practices have shifted along with them and the changing landscape.

In this series of opinion videos, I will be focusing on features and practices that are (or should be) no longer in use, why we should not use them, and what tools and design patterns have replaced them. Some of these are obvious (copy and paste!?) and some are more subtle. As we go, I'm hoping to stir up some discussion and controversy – after all, these are just my opinions.

Some features receive continual love from Claris – like new script steps, calculations, and layout objects, and others languish. Features like the Sub Summary part basically haven't changed in decades, and are great – I use them every day. Other features like JSON have received love in recent versions. Features like the chart tool? meh.

I’ll share what I’ve observed and learned over the years, and how my approach to development has changed as a result. I am happy to still be on the learning path.

Here are some of the topics

  • My problem with the five default fields

  • Buttons are Obsolete

  • Recursion: Calcs or scripts?

  • The REAL purpose of tables

  • Layout calculations, then and now

  • Where not to validate fields

  • Global fields, $$variables, or a consolidated JSON object?


1 Comment

Oct 17, 2024

Hey, Matt! Recently discovered your new(-ish) site from a recent podcast appearance you made. Subcribed to your blog feed, so I won't miss anything else going forward. I love this kind of discussion, but I'm also guilty of spending way too much time figuring out the "best" way to do a task, vs actually doing it. Ha!

Curious… from this short video: is there a "modern" replacement for the "Beep" script step? Are are you just advocating not using it. I prefer not to use it, but I know some developers put it before every warning dialog.

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